E-forensics is a full service cybersecurity, digital forensics and e-discovery services headed out of Southeast Florida. The professionals at e-forensics have been serving clients since 2000 with defensible digital forensics in matters such as theft of intellectual property, copyright infringement and cyber stalking/threats.  Additionally, we have provided traditional e-discovery services, information security consulting, and developed IT governance and general security policies for our global clients.

e-forensics CEO Profile

Jesus Peña

CEO and Founder

Jesus Peña has provided digital forensics, e-discovery advisory services, and information security auditing and assessments to law firms, corporations, municipalities and federal agencies since 2000. His digital forensics experience includes evidence acquisition, evidence analysis and reporting, and expert witness testimony as it applies to electronically stored information (“ESI”) found on mobile devices, PCs, virtual and physical servers, routing and filtering devices, and Cloud environments.

Jesus has twenty years of experience providing Windows, OS X, Linux, iOS and Android digital forensics, expert witness testimony, e-discovery advisory, and information security auditing and assessment services.

Jesus’ digital forensics experience includes evidence acquisition, evidence analysis and reporting, and expert witness testimony as it applies to electronically stored information (“ESI”) found on mobile devices, PCs, virtual and physical servers, routing and filtering devices, and Cloud environments. He has designed and managed complex e-Discovery projects, involving everything from litigation holds, meet, and confers, collections, early case assessments, to selecting the optimal e-discovery platform to ingest, process, review and produce responsive documents. Lastly, he has performed information security vulnerability assessments, audits and penetration tests that adhere to popular risk assessment frameworks.

Jesus has testified over 50 times and has been certified as an expert witness by the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida in the area of LAN/WAN security and firewall forensics. In addition, he has testified as an expert witness in the Southern District of Texas, the District of Maryland and in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles. Other testimony includes Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Sarasota County Courts as a computer forensics expert and fact witness for both U.S. and multi-national corporations.

Since 2000, Jesus has held numerous director positions in risk management, and digital forensics and e-discovery firms. Prior to those positions, he was employed at the United Parcel Service (UPS) South Florida District for eleven years. During last few years, Jesus managed network technicians and data entry personnel at the South Florida data processing center and was responsible for maintaining all South Florida district LANs and new technology rollouts. Additional duties at UPS included software development for the finance and accounting department.

Jesus was a network administrator for Novell based networks and performed installation/configuration/ troubleshooting of EISA based Servers; LAN/WAN installations and support; Support of CSU/DSU and IBM 3270 controllers; Needs-analysis and coding in Clipper(xbase) for accounting systems with ported data from JCL report-to-disk file input data; Token Ring and Ethernet networks running TCP/IP and IPX/SPX, and managed and supported Novell SNA gateway. He has extensive experience in the administration of Web hosting environments; installation, administration and support of Windows, Novell, Linux and Cisco IOS operating systems. He has also designed and implemented secured LAN/WANs through use of firewalls, intrusion detection systems, virtual local area networks and virtual private networks.

Jesus has vast experience in the analysis of hacking footprints in the LINUX kernel-based firewall. In addition to computer and smartphone digital forensics, he has been the project manager on engagements covering every aspect of the electronics discovery reference model (EDRM) and he is well-versed in the Relativity and Cloudnine ED platforms. With respect to information security assessments and audits, Jesus has conducted Nessus based internal and perimeter credentialed and non-credentialed assessments at multi-location clients. Moreover, he has performed scan interpretations, and prepared applicable remediation plans.

Jesus earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Management Information Systems from Florida International University in 1987. He is a Certified Computer Forensics Technician - Advanced level, and course certified in the use of AccessData’s Forensic Tool Kit (FTK) software and Encase Forensic Edition software. He received Kroll-Ontrack’s e-discovery course certification and is a CloudNine Review Certified Administrator. He is a member of the High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA), High Tech Crime Network organization (HTCN) and the Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists. Jesus successfully completed Novell’s Networking Technologies examination, and for over 15 years, he was a SAGE ERP Pro Certified Technical Consultant, specializing in Visual Foxpro based, Pro Series accounting software. He is a co-author of a Windows digital forensics book written in 2021 and available on Amazon, titled "El Arte y la Ciencia de la Investigación Digital Forense - Sistemas Windows: Vol 1 - Análisis Forense en Sistemas Windows (Spanish Edition)." He authors and maintains a digital forensics, e-discovery and cybersecurity blog on e-Forensicsinc.com. He was a panelist at the 2019 Judicial Events/MSP Recovery Legends of the Boardroom conference and covered “Technology: As it Relates to Litigation, Mediation & ADR.” In 2008, he was a presenter at NACVA's Fifteenth Annual Consultants' Conference and covered "The Impact of e-Discovery and Computer Forensics on the Financial Expert."


  •  305.667.4603
  •  305.667.4472
  •  info@e-forensicsinc.com
  • 2000 S. Dixie Highway, #206
  • Miami, Florida 33133


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